
Insights and conversations to make organizations become more focused and enabled on executing the strategy.
They say the best way to expose what you don’t know is to put it in writing. 

When we established EPIC Strategy a little over a year ago, one of our goals was to make sure that we could simplify the understanding of the strategy process.  More importantly, we wanted to address the number one challenge, which is helping to make sure organizations become more focused and enabled on executing the strategy.  All the hard work in developing a strategy and plan is wasted if you don’t achieve the things you set out to do. 

There has been a lot of ‘ink’ spilled on this topic.  Our aim is to try and spill a bit more in the hope that we can break down some of the challenges and add a couple of things of value – things to think about – that will give you and a bit different perspective to help you shape and craft your organizations future. 

We hope you find these insights useful.  In keeping with our values, we are open and curious to any feedback you might have.  If it helps to make process and practice of strategy more accessible and actionable, then the debate we spark might be well worth it! 

Execution is what really matters

Execution is what really matters

All the work outlined up to now are what we would call necessary, but not sufficient, conditions for creating an EPIC strategy. Congratulations you are at the starting line…

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At Epic Strategy, we develop long-term relationships with our clients to uncover strategic insights and implement solutions that unlock organizational growth and build lasting change.